
Biden calls on Congress to immediately approve Ukraine aid, says ‘can’t let Putin win’

Biden calls on Congress to immediately approve Ukraine aid…

Biden calls
Biden calls

President Joe Biden on Wednesday called on Congress to quickly approve a stalled aid package for Ukraine, hours before a planned Senate vote on a key measure that Republicans have vowed to block. Because they are calling for new restrictions on US border security. 

He called it “surprising” that Congress had taken so long to approve a request for $61 billion in additional funding for Ukraine, with a stark warning that if more funds were not approved. What could happen, and said Republican Russian President Vladimir Putin “would be the biggest gift he could hope for” if the US ended its global leadership now.

“Congress must uphold the national security needs of the United States and our partners,” Biden told the White House. Biden calls…

“It can’t wait,” he said, adding that lawmakers have to work before the holiday break and the money runs out at the end of the year.

“Republicans in Congress are ready to give [Russian President Vladimir] Putin the biggest gift they could hope for, and let go of our global leadership, not just in Ukraine, but beyond,” he said. ” They said.

“Make no mistake, today’s vote will be remembered for a long time. History will judge those who turn their backs on the cause of freedom — because we cannot let Putin win. Say it again. We Putin.” Can’t let them win.” “They said.

Biden calls reminded Americans of the atrocities Russia has allegedly committed so far, including targeting civilians, kidnapping children, and attacking their electrical grid last winter to leave them without heat and electricity.

“It’s more than what could happen shortly, but long term,” he said. Biden calls warned that U.S. troops would likely join the fight if Putin annexed Ukraine and attacked a NATO ally, triggering Article 5 says an attack on one NATO member is an attack on all. is imagined.

If Putin attacks a NATO ally, if he continues, and then he attacks a NATO ally, when we have committed as a member of NATO, we have every inch of NATO territory. defense, then we’ll have something we don’t have. Find out what we don’t have today: American soldiers fighting Russian soldiers. US troops fighting Russian troops, if he moves to other parts of NATO.

“I’m not ready to walk away, and I don’t think the American people are either,” the president said.

The delay comes amid Republican demands for what he called far-right border policies to be included in the supplemental package. Biden accused Republicans of “playing chicken with our national security” by “holding Ukraine’s funding hostage to their extreme partisan border policies.”

He said he was “willing to do significantly more” to change border policy, including billions of dollars for border agents, immigration judges, and asylum seekers, but said the GOP was unwilling to compromise.

“This has to be a conversation. Republicans think they get everything they want without any bipartisan compromise. That’s not the answer.

That’s not the answer. And now they’re putting Ukraine on the battlefield. But are willing to kneel. And want to harm our national security.” In the process,” Biden said.

Biden said he had already shared with Sen. James Lankford, Republican of Oklahoma, and other GOP senators what they were willing to compromise on, saying it was “significantly more” and included “fundamental changes,” though claims the GOP is “unwilling to do that.”

He called on Congress to “do something to stand with the people in Ukraine and do the right thing.

“We are the reason why Putin has not completely subjugated Ukraine and moved on,” he said. “This is important. Petty partisan, angry politics cannot get in the way of our responsibilities as a leading nation in the world. And literally, the whole world is watching.”

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