
DeSantis called for a one-on-one face-off with Haley, with future GOP debates unclear.

It’s unclear when and where the Republican presidential candidates will meet for the debate or how many of them there will be. Haley



But Ron DeSantis wants a head-to-head confrontation with Nikki Haley, and he might get that chance. Florida’s governor told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt Thursday morning that he hopes the criteria to make the upcoming debate more difficult to qualify will likely be fruitful. Face-to-face with a former UN ambassador.

Hewitt asked DeSantis if he would be willing to debate Haley one-on-one on his radio show, prompting DeSantis to predict a showdown in Iowa and New Hampshire as well.

“Hopefully, they’ll raise the threshold for qualifying. And it might just be a one-on-one debate,” DeSantis told Hugh Hewitt before any official debate plans were announced.

Shortly after,  announced that it would hold debates in Iowa on January 10 and New Hampshire on January 21, with a higher bar for entry if candidates choose to participate. It is the first media organization to publicly announce plans for the 2024 debates. Haley…

To qualify for the Iowa debate, according to the network, candidates must receive at least 10% of Republican caucusgoers or primary voters in three separate national and/or Iowa polls that meet standards for reporting. Meet the.

The network set the same 10% threshold for its event there as in the New Hampshire state election, though it also said it would admit candidates who finished in the top three in Iowa’s Jan. 15 caucuses. stay

DeSantis, Haley, and former President Donald Trump are the only candidates to consistently receive double digits in Iowa Republican popular polls, while former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie also surpassed 10% in several recent New Hampshire polls. What is it? But Trump has skipped all the GOP debates so far this cycle.

The Republican National Committee has been heavily involved in debate eligibility and standards during 2023, including threatening to disqualify candidates from future RNC debates if they participate in unsanctioned debates.

But it’s unclear whether there will be more RNC-sanctioned debates to disqualify candidates if they break the rules.

A source familiar with the RNC debates said the committee is expected to let the candidates decide whether they want to participate in additional debates. Haley…

Debates will not be allowed by the Party Committee. “The Republican National Committee is expected to announce this week that it will release candidates from the requirement that prevents them from participating in non-RNC-sanctioned debates,” the network wrote in the letter.

DeSantis is confident the Iowa and New Hampshire debates will be greenlit.

Debates will not be allowed by the Party Committee. “The Republican National Committee is expected to announce this week that it will release candidates from the requirement that prevents them from participating in non-RNC-sanctioned debates,” the network wrote in the letter.

DeSantis is confident the Iowa and New Hampshire debates will be greenlit.

If the RNC releases candidates from their pledge not to participate in any unsanctioned debates, a new wave of televised debates could begin beyond initial announcement. The RNC previously scuttled a planned meeting between Vivek Ramaswamy and Chris Christie on Fox News earlier this year. And the party needed assurances from a prominent Iowa evangelical group before allowing a roundtable event with four candidates in the state.

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